prepared seafood
America's One-Stop-Shop for Seafood

fresh prepared seafood
from Boston Sword & Tuna
The Prepared Seafood Division at BST is a major key to us climbing our way to the top, and staying there. Offering this product line and staying true to our commitment to quality, though, is no quick and easy transition. The planning, funding, purchasing the machinery, hiring the personal, training the staff, trial and error, and eventually perfecting the process of taking any fish / seafood item from whole to a portioned, packaged, sealed, and labeled tray pack / skin pack is not only a major risk, but a major commitment.
There are several state-of-the-art pieces of machinery that make this division possible, each of which required a major investment to have them built. Five of these machines, for example, include our tray pack / skin pack machine's and our portioning machine's. There are several machines involved in the process of sealing, labeling with various labels, and boxing each tray pack/skin pack; but the machine responsible for sealing the fresh prepared seafood tray packs is what we are discussing now. We prepare each individual tray pack by hand – whether it be swordfish, tuna, salmon, haddock, cod, scallops, lobster tails, etc. The product is loaded into the trays and then the machine goes to work by applying an airtight plastic sealant over the product. In effect, this process guarantees some of the best quality wholesale prepared seafood available at point of purchase.

Our portioning machine, on the other hand, is unique and attributable in its own light. How many chefs and retailers out there are sick of losing money off product due to waste and unequal distribution of portions? The BST Portion Program is your answer. No more buying whole fillets or loins and hand-cutting them for end consumers. As our customers know, this can make for many problems including (1) labor costs to process/cut the product, (2) waste/product lost from end pieces when cutting, and (3) unequal portions by result of hand cut measurements. We recognize this issue, which is why we did the dirty work for our customers and purchased the portioning machinery ourselves. Now, we can offer our fresh prepared seafood products in laser precision center cuts of all sizes, though generally ranging between 4-10 ounces. These portions will all be delivered identical from one another.
In short, if a customer wants to introduce a retail-ready product that is fresh, tray packed salmon seasoned with ingredients of their choosing, they will introduce that product line with ease by coming to us for the job. Likewise, if a customer requests one hundred perfect 8oz salmon portions, that customer will get one hundred perfect 8oz salmon portions. Day-in and day-out.